New Farm Inventions, Machinery and Farm Techniques

Published on 10 October 2022 at 14:54

Agriculture is an important sector that provides millions of jobs around the globe, but is vital to provide food to the 7.9 billion+ people. However, it's not without problems. Growing populations around the world and the climate change are two factors that demand a change in the landscape of agriculture. Sustainable farming and increased production are the norm, and the advancements in technology in agriculture reflect this.

In the entire year of 2020, UKRI invested PS24 million in agri-tech innovations, such as those dealing with robotics, vertical farming, and many more. This article examines the latest developments in farming that have changed the landscape of agriculture.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation

The most well-known applications for artificial intelligence (AI) for agriculture can be found self-driving vehicles such as seeders and tractors. They address two main issues labor shortages and time limitations. While machines concentrate on manual tasks, such as andchard administration, farms are free to concentrate on business, strategizing , and other tasks. This is also a game changer in high-volume times like the harvest time and helps farms increase their production and efficiency.

AI in agriculture also incorporates remote sensors UAVs as well as satellites which are able to gather an enormous amount of data all day long. Apart from monitoring the health of plants and temperature, soil and humidity remote sensors are also being utilized to monitor the condition and location of livestock and farm animals. The information gathered is utilized to assist in making decisions and to improve harvests.

Vertical Farming

With the rise of urbanisation and increased population the land is becoming less that can be used for agriculture. Over the last 40 years we have lost around one-third in arable soil. A vertical agriculture and the technologies used to implement it could be the solution to this issue.

Vertical farming is when crops are grown in layers that are stacked vertically or inclines, which result in higher yields of crops in a smaller space. Some systems don't even need soil and can be either aeroponic or hydroponic. The use of greenhouses and artificial grow lighting instead of sunlight permits plants to flourish regardless of the weather.

This permits food production in cities and urban areas and allows for the ability to make more use of arable land, too. Furthermore, it permits farmers to plant crops throughout the year even if they're suitable for the area and also reduces distances in your supply chain. Vertical farms use less water and energy. Actually, when they are compared with conventional farms, vertical ones require 70 percent less water. The use of robotics for harvesting and planting also ensures that this doesn't require a lot of labour.


Drones can be found in a variety of applications in agriculture that include assisting bees when they pollinate the crops, and for automated harvesting. They also help for the application of insecticides on certain areas and to reduce exposure to chemicals to workers.

But, they are often renowned for collecting huge quantities of data, such as height of plants and height, the level of water saturation, the presence of weeds as well as crop biomass and many more. In addition to providing precise information, drones provide data at a higher resolution (as as compared to satellites) and are simple to operate.

High-Flex Tyres

Larger equipment for farming can provide more space and aid farmers. However, the weight causes soil compaction and affects yields. Technologies like high-flex tyres could offer a solution to this problem by spreading the weight over a wider area. The latest high-flex tyres, such as flexion and very high flexion as well as Radial Plus tyres may be operated at 20-40 percent less pressure than conventional tyres, and could help solve this problem.

RFID Technology

RFID (FRID) technology was initially utilized to identify animals, but it is expanding to crops. The technology makes use of radio waves to collect the information of the object. This can include information like the date, time and place and location, with RFID capable of being able store up to 2KB worth of data. It can be used to monitor harvesting, storage, as well as packaging. It also makes the crops more easily traceable.

Minichromosomal Technology

Minichromosomes are cell structures which contain small amounts of genetic material, but contain lots of information. Genetic engineers have employed these to improve or increase the traits of the crop, including resistance to droughts, as well as adding nutritional benefits. But, despite the capability to impart traits to plants, the genes remain identical. This is what makes this technology different from other foods that have been genetically modified and is more susceptible to being accepted by the public as well as regulators.

Blockchain Technology

While it is most well-known for its use in cryptocurrency Blockchain technology can be found in numerous applications in different industries, such as agriculture. Through the use of blockchain agriculture can keep track of the crops from harvesting to delivery, including those belonging to particular farmers. Due to the availability of a precise ledger, everything is monitored in real-time. Problems such as safety recalls, fraud on food and even missing food items are easily rectified.

Because blockchain's structure is decentralised The supply chain is transparent and trackable. In the event of a food-borne illness or spread of contamination could be traced back to the origin. The ownership of the food can be determined at any time. Food transports will be safer as they will track in real-time. Blockchain technology is also able to help control market prices by providing more complete view of demand and supply. Furthermore, it could be used to manage resources which includes keeping track of sensors, equipment machinery, equipment, and much more.


As the trend towards sustainable agriculture and eco-friendly methods of growth Farmers are looking for eco-friendly and less costly strategies and methods. Biotechnology is a large element of this as they encompass everything from fertilisers and seed treatments, to Biofungicides as well as biopesticides.

Precision Agriculture

Precision agriculture lets farmers manage every aspect of their farm, including soil moisture levels as well as soil conditions, micro-climates as well as pest stress and much more. Through improving cultivation and planting methods and making sure that the soil and the crops are having the right conditions precision agriculture can ensure the best health of the soil and results in more efficient production and greater yields.

Agricultural Innovation and Farming Jobs

With the amount of innovation that is happening in the field of agriculture, it's not hard to understand why jobs in agriculture are extremely popular. If you're looking to pursue an agricultural career take a look at the Agricultural Recruitment Specialists. If you're in search of an opening or discuss your options for a career Contact us by clicking here.

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